When you flush the toilet, shower, or wash clothes, wastewater flows through your main sewer line to your septic tank. The septic tank separates waste into three layers: scum, sludge, and liquid effluent. Read https://www.septictankarmadale.com.au/ to learn more.

Heavy solids sink to the bottom of the tank, where bacteria break them down. Liquids leave the tank through perforated pipes into the drain field where microbes in soil complete the treatment process.
Household wastewater from toilets (called blackwater) and bathtubs, showers, sinks, laundry machines and dishwashers flows into a septic tank. The tank holds the sewage for several days or more to allow solids and liquids to separate. The weighty masses—such as human waste and animal dung—sink to the bottom of the tank and form a layer called sludge. Fats, oils and grease float to the top of the sewage and are broken down by bacteria into a layer known as scum. Liquids exit the tank into a pipe called the drain field.
The septic tank is a crucial part of a septic system because it temporarily holds and reprocesses household wastewater before it is sent to the drain field. Its design allows for up to 2 days of wastewater settling time, which is important to remove most of the organic wastewater pollutants that enter water bodies and cause disease in humans and animals.
A septic tank is made of precast concrete or fiberglass and comes in a variety of shapes and sizes. It is typically located underground, although some systems have tanks aboveground. Its one inlet wastewater pipe connects to the home plumbing, and its other outlet pipe is connected to a septic tank drain field or a series of septic tanks.
During the septic tank treatment process, gases are produced as organic matter decomposes. These gases must be vented, as they can build up and clog the septic tank inlet or outlet pipes. The septic tank must also be periodically pumped out to remove the sludge at the bottom of the tank.
After the septic tank, wastewater is channeled to a septic tank distribution box and perforated pipes set in a trench of gravel (see septic tank installation). As the effluent seeps into the gravel, natural soil filtering processes remove any remaining disease-causing germs, organic matter and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorus.
A failure to properly maintain a septic system can lead to wastewater contaminating nearby waterways, including drinking water wells and surface waters. These contaminants can cause illness in humans and livestock, or they may enter the groundwater supply for human consumption. Excess nutrients can also promote the growth of algae in waterbodies, which consumes oxygen and causes harm to fish and other aquatic organisms.
When you need to have a septic tank installed, it’s best to go with a professional septic system contractor. They’ll complete a land survey to ensure the installation site is within your property boundaries, which will help avoid costly legal headaches down the road. They’ll also conduct soil tests to ensure the site can adequately support a drain field.
A septic tank is a watertight, underground container that’s designed to receive and partially treat household wastewater. Heavy solid waste settles to the bottom of the tank, while grease and light solids float to the top. Bacteria inside the tank break down these wastes, resulting in a liquid effluent. The liquid waste then exits the tank via an outlet pipe and is dispersed into a drain field.
The tank size you need varies depending on how much water enters the plumbing system and the number of occupants in your home. Historically, the number of bedrooms has been used to determine the tank size needed. However, this is no longer a reliable guide, and you should consult a septic tank expert to determine the exact volume of your system.
A septic system typically includes an inlet wastewater pipe and an outlet drainage pipe. The inlet and outlet pipes are connected to a septic tank baffle. The baffles prevent solid waste from entering the inlet or outlet lines, which would cause clogs and overflow.
After the wastewater is treated in the septic tank, it enters the drain field. The septic tank is connected to a distribution box, which evenly distributes the wastewater to pipes in the drain field. The distribution box helps prevent the flow from overloading one area of the drain field.
A septic system is a great way to keep your house’s plumbing functioning properly. However, it’s important to understand what the tank does and how to recognize signs of a full tank. If the tank becomes too full, your home’s plumbing may slow down or stop working altogether. You’ll notice that toilets and bathtubs take longer to empty, and you might experience a foul smell. It’s important to have your septic tank pumped regularly to prevent these issues.
The septic tank is an underground, watertight container that collects all the wastewater from toilets, showers, laundry and kitchen drains. The septic system uses naturally occurring bacteria to digest solid waste and separate floatable materials like oils and grease. A septic system that receives proper maintenance may last between 15 and 40 years.
A septic tank should be pumped every three to five years. A septic technician will determine the best frequency based on a home’s waste generation rate and the size of the tank. If you install a new garbage disposal, add a hot tub, or increase the number of household members, the tank will need to be pumped more often.
In between septic tank pumpings, monitor the sludge level. If the sludge layer is at or near the top, have it pumped immediately. To check the sludge level, wrap a rag around the end of a 6′ pole and dip it into the tank to measure how deep the black material extends. If the sludge level is within 25 to 33 percent of the liquid capacity of the tank, it’s time to have it pumped.
Don’t flush any items that are not meant to be in a septic system. This includes cooking grease and oil, flushable wipes, feminine hygiene products, dental floss, coffee grounds, cat litter and diapers. It’s also important to keep yard and vehicle activities away from the septic tank and drain field. Don’t build structures over the septic tank or drainfield, and don’t drive heavy vehicles or equipment in that area.
Maintaining a healthy septic system saves money, protects the environment and keeps sewage from contaminating groundwater and your home. A septic tank that is leaking, clogged, or full of sewage poses a health risk and can cost thousands to repair or replace.
Watch for signs of a failing septic system, such as odors, wet spots in the yard, and lush vegetation growth over the drain field area. A timely response to any of these problems can prevent damage and a costly repair bill. A regular septic tank inspection is a good idea, as is saving any records of pumping, inspections and repairs.
Septic tanks slowly fail over time, especially if they aren’t regularly maintained. When one fails, it may contaminate the surrounding soil or fresh water, which isn’t good for anyone. This is why it’s important to have a septic system inspector visit your home and perform regular maintenance checks. The inspection will help you catch any problems before they become a major problem that requires replacement.
If your septic tank is overflowing, it is definitely time to call for an immediate replacement. An overflowing tank means that the septic system isn’t processing wastewater as it should and is allowing dirty water into the environment. This can lead to sewage leaks, which are dangerous for human health and can also damage your home’s plumbing systems.
An overflowing septic tank isn’t just messy, it’s dangerous for your family and your neighbors. Wastewater that doesn’t get processed properly can clog drains and cause odor issues in your home. This contaminated water can also cause disease in animals and humans.
While septic tanks are more affordable than traditional sewer systems, they still cost money to install and maintain. The most expensive part of a septic tank is the septic drain field, which can cost $20,000 or more to replace if it gets clogged.
The septic tank connects to the septic drain field, or leach field, with pipes that are buried underground. The septic system’s waste is transported to the drain field, where it decomposes. The septic tank must be sized to fit the number of people who use it and the size of the household.
A septic tank can be made of concrete, fiberglass, or plastic, with each material offering different advantages. The best choice depends on the size of your home, where you live, and the price point that you’re looking for.
Septic tanks are usually located on the property’s exterior, although some are installed in the backyard. If you’re building a new home, your contractor will usually include the installation of the septic tank in your overall construction costs.
The cost of a new septic tank isn’t as much as it sounds. You should ask for estimates from multiple local septic professionals to make sure you’re getting the most competitive rates.